About me - Resume

In 1987, I was born in Uzbekistan in the wonderful city - Andijan.
When I was 14 years old, my family moved to Israel...meant to me - (New life, new school, new friends, new hobbies...)
I graduated at high school "Leo-Back". Even there I always loved the computers.
I served in Tzahal (צה״ל)..There I was a driver on all possible vehicles and trucks.
The last year of service I was a sergant and i commanded 12 drivers until the end of my service.
After finishing my service...
I worked as a truck driver for the "Schestovitch" firm from 2008 until 2013, carrying a variety of items throughout Israel, from Metula to Eilat.
From 2013 through 2022:
I worked in "Egged" company:
Started as a bus driver until 2015.
2015-2020 - "Sadran" my direct duty was to mange the work for 368 drivers.
From 2020 until the present:
"Menael avoda" at Egged TikTak - new company raised and grown from beginning:
I had 60-70 drivers, and I was responsible for everything. (I managed the work for drivers and minibuses in Egged TikTak)
2021-till present:
I started deeply interesting in computer science. Read books and make exercises and little projects.
All my projects were developed — coded — QAed by me.
I have Knowledge in the following fields:
UNITY - Game and application development: developed a game and some small applications
Andorid studio using Kotlin programming language (use of documentation): I have created some small applications.
Visual studio and Visual studio CODE - Good experience and everyday use.
.NET Framework and .NET Core
Python programming language
C# programming language
LINQ - Basic Knowledge and use in some learning projects
WCF - Basic Knowledge and use in some learning projects
WPF - Basic Knowledge and use in some learning projects
XAML - Basic Knowledge and use in some learning projects
ASP.NET — MVC — Basic Knowledge and use in some learning projects
ASP.NET Web API - Basic Knowledge and use in some learning projects
ASP.NET Core Web Applications - Basic Knowledge and use in some learning projects
SQL- Basic experience (Created Databases and used in my personal projects)
HTML - Basic Knowledge, created projects: www.my.sergeicher.pro
CSS- Basic Knowledge, created projects: www.my.sergeicher.pro
Bootstrap - Basic Knowledge, created projects: www.sergeicher.pro
I don't have any problem to use any program
2022- QA course (Manual and automation - deeply studiyng by myself - # list all programs known and projects !!!)
TODO: Add a link to RESUME on paper created in word : upload resume to a link and put download link!!!!