It is very BAD when you have Inadequate testing infrastructure. Another major challenge in automation testing is a lack of infrastructure to enable proper test coverage and execution speed. While a company that is just getting started with test automation may not be well prepared to develop an internal testing infrastructure... Automation needs high initial investment in terms of tools, skilled resources, infrastructure, etc. Sometimes it might require licensing costs on top of operational costs. Moreover, even for open-source tools like Selenium, one must take into account the cost incurred in training the resources and setting up the grid. This is a major challenge in automation testing as it is sometimes difficult to convince the management to invest in it. From designing a test automation framework to writing test scripts, dilemma and coding skills are required. Most test automation tools are only effective when manned by individuals who can design and maintain automation frameworks, build solutions, and test scripts accurately. They must also be able to deal with unexpected technical problems. Since automation frameworks differ in terms of features and operability, they must be familiar with the design and implementation protocols of the framework. Therefore, it would be wrong to assume that manual testers can work on automation tools or build a solution without proper training. However, investing in training and hiring new skilled resources is also challenging. It also demands time and is not feasible for organizations that want to scale up quickly. I will provide a scalable infrastructure for startups and enterprises to fulfill their test automation needs. FOR FREE! In addition, it eliminates the need to manage the in-house infrastructure so that the organizations can focus more on quality.